About Research Design
- [31] Women are taller than men: Misusing Occam’s Razor to lobotomize discussions of alternative explanations
- [36] How to Study Discrimination (or Anything) With Names; If You Must
- [46] Controlling the Weather
- [51] Greg vs. Jamal: Why Didn’t Bertrand and Mullainathan (2004) Replicate?
About Research Tips
- [10] Reviewers are asking for it
- [34] My Links Will Outlive You
- [40] Reducing Fraud in Science
- [69] Eight things I do to make my open research more findable and understandable
Comment on media coverage
Credibility Lab
- [95] Groundhog: Addressing The Threat That R Poses To Reproducible Research
- [100] Groundhog 2.0: Further addressing the threat R poses to reproducible research
Data Replicada
- [81] Data Replicada
- [82] Data Replicada #1: Do Elevated Viewpoints Increase Risk Taking?
- [83] Data Replicada #2: Do Self-Construal and Group Size Influence How People Make Choices on Behalf of a Group?
- [84] Data Replicada #3: Does Self-Concept Uncertainty Influence Magazine Subscription Choice?
- [85] Data Replicada #4: The Problem of Hidden Confounds
- [87] Data Replicada #5: Do Human-Like Products Inspire More Holistic Judgments?
- [89] Data Replicada #6: The Problem of (Weird) Differential Attrition
- [90] Data Replicada #7: Does Displaying Multiple Copies of a Product Increase Its Perceived Effectiveness?
- [92] Data Replicada #8: Is The Left-Digit Bias Stronger When Prices Are Presented Side-By-Side?
- [94] Data Replicada #9: Are Progression Ads More Credible?
- [97] Data Replicada #10: Does Goal Conflict Affect Time Spent on Work and Leisure?
Discuss own paper
- [30] Trim-and-Fill is Full of It (bias)
- [43] Rain & Happiness: Why Didn’t Schwarz & Clore (1983) ‘Replicate’ ?
- [45] Ambitious P-Hacking and P-Curve 4.0
- [49] P-Curve Won’t Do Your Laundry, But Will Identify Replicable Findings
- [62] Two-lines: The First Valid Test of U-Shaped Relationships
- [73] Don't Trust Internal Meta-Analysis
- [75] Intentionally Biased: People Purposely Don't Ignore Information They "Should" Ignore
Discuss Paper by Others
- [1] "Just Posting It" works, leads to new retraction in Psychology
- [3] A New Way To Increase Charitable Donations: Does It Replicate?
- [11] “Exactly”: The Most Famous Framing Effect Is Robust To Precise Wording
- [25] Maybe people actually enjoy being alone with their thoughts
- [38] A Better Explanation Of The Endowment Effect
- [50] Teenagers in Bikinis: Interpreting Police-Shooting Data
- [54] The 90x75x50 heuristic: Noisy & Wasteful Sample Sizes In The “Social Science Replication Project”
- [60] Forthcoming in JPSP: A Non-Diagnostic Audit of Psychological Research
- [74] In Press at Psychological Science: A New 'Nudge' Supported by Implausible Data
- [79] Experimentation Aversion: Reconciling the Evidence
- [82] Data Replicada #1: Do Elevated Viewpoints Increase Risk Taking?
- [83] Data Replicada #2: Do Self-Construal and Group Size Influence How People Make Choices on Behalf of a Group?
- [84] Data Replicada #3: Does Self-Concept Uncertainty Influence Magazine Subscription Choice?
- [85] Data Replicada #4: The Problem of Hidden Confounds
- [86] The Data Colada Seminar Series
- [87] Data Replicada #5: Do Human-Like Products Inspire More Holistic Judgments?
- [89] Data Replicada #6: The Problem of (Weird) Differential Attrition
- [90] Data Replicada #7: Does Displaying Multiple Copies of a Product Increase Its Perceived Effectiveness?
- [92] Data Replicada #8: Is The Left-Digit Bias Stronger When Prices Are Presented Side-By-Side?
- [94] Data Replicada #9: Are Progression Ads More Credible?
- [96] Madam Speaker: Are Female Presenters Treated Worse in Econ Seminars?
- [97] Data Replicada #10: Does Goal Conflict Affect Time Spent on Work and Leisure?
- [98] Evidence of Fraud in an Influential Field Experiment About Dishonesty
- [99] Hyping Fisher: The Most Cited 2019 QJE Paper Relied on an Outdated Stata Default to Conclude Regression <i>p</i>-values Are Inadequate
- [101] Transparency Makes Research Evaluable: Evaluating a Field Experiment on Crime Published in <i>Nature</i>
- [119] A Hidden Confound in a <i>Psych Methods</i> Pre‑registrations Critique
- [121] Dear Political Scientists: Don't Bin, GAM Instead
- [122] Arresting Flexibility: A QJE field experiment on police behavior with about 40 outcome variables
Effect size
- [18] MTurk vs. The Lab: Either Way We Need Big Samples
- [20] We cannot afford to study effect size in the lab
- [28] Confidence Intervals Don't Change How We Think about Data
- [63] "Many Labs" Overestimated The Importance of Hidden Moderators
- [70] How Many Studies Have Not Been Run? Why We Still Think the Average Effect Does Not Exist
Fake data
- [1] "Just Posting It" works, leads to new retraction in Psychology
- [19] Fake Data: Mendel vs. Stapel
- [21] Fake-Data Colada: Excessive Linearity
- [40] Reducing Fraud in Science
- [74] In Press at Psychological Science: A New 'Nudge' Supported by Implausible Data
- [77] Number-Bunching: A New Tool for Forensic Data Analysis
- [98] Evidence of Fraud in an Influential Field Experiment About Dishonesty
- [109] Data Falsificada (Part 1): "Clusterfake"
- [110] Data Falsificada (Part 2): "My Class Year Is Harvard"
- [111] Data Falsificada (Part 3): "The Cheaters Are Out of Order"
- [112] Data Falsificada (Part 4): "Forgetting The Words"
- [114] Exhibits 3, 4, and 5
- [117] The Impersonator: The Fake Data Were Coming From Inside the Lab
- [118] Harvard’s Gino Report Reveals How A Dataset Was Altered
- [24] P-curve vs. Excessive Significance Test
- [55] The file-drawer problem is unfixable, and that’s OK
- [58] The Funnel Plot is Invalid Because of This Crazy Assumption: r(n,d)=0
- [59] PET-PEESE Is Not Like Homeopathy
- [71] The (Surprising?) Shape of the File Drawer
- [72] Metacritic Has A (File-Drawer) Problem
- [73] Don't Trust Internal Meta-Analysis
- [17] No-way Interactions
- [57] Interactions in Logit Regressions: Why Positive May Mean Negative
- [80] Interaction Effects Need Interaction Controls
- [123] Dear Political Scientists: The binning estimator violates ceteris paribus
Just fun
- [5] The Consistency of Random Numbers
- [8] Adventures in the Assessment of Animal Speed and Morality
- [9] Titleogy: Some facts about titles
- [15] Citing Prospect Theory
- [22] You know what's on our shopping list
- [32] Spotify Has Trouble With A Marketing Research Exam
- [56] TWARKing: Test-Weighting After Results are Known
- [72] Metacritic Has A (File-Drawer) Problem
- [120] Off-Label Smirnov: How Many Subjects Show an Effect in Between-Subjects Experiments?
- [113] Data Litigada: Thank You (And An Update)
- [114] Exhibits 3, 4, and 5
- [116] Our (First?) Day In Court
- [118] Harvard’s Gino Report Reveals How A Dataset Was Altered
Meta Analysis
- [30] Trim-and-Fill is Full of It (bias)
- [33] "The" Effect Size Does Not Exist
- [58] The Funnel Plot is Invalid Because of This Crazy Assumption: r(n,d)=0
- [59] PET-PEESE Is Not Like Homeopathy
- [63] "Many Labs" Overestimated The Importance of Hidden Moderators
- [76] Heterogeneity Is Replicable: Evidence From Maluma, MTurk, and Many Labs
- [104] Meaningless Means: Some Fundamental Problems With Meta-Analytic Averages
- [105] Meaningless Means #1: The Average Effect<BR> of Nudging Is d = .43
- [106] Meaningless Means #2: The Average Effect of Nudging in Academic Publications is 8.7%
- [107] Meaningless Means #3: The Truth About Lies
- [2] Using Personal Listening Habits to Identify Personal Music Preferences
- [32] Spotify Has Trouble With A Marketing Research Exam
- [72] Metacritic Has A (File-Drawer) Problem
On Bayesian Stats
- [13] Posterior-Hacking
- [35] The Default Bayesian Test is Prejudiced Against Small Effects
- [42] Accepting the Null: Where to Draw the Line?
- [78a] If you think p-values are problematic, wait until you understand Bayes Factors
- [78b] Hyp-Chart, the Missing Link Between P-values and Bayes Factors
- [78c] Bayes Factors in Ten Recent Psych Science Papers
- [24] P-curve vs. Excessive Significance Test
- [37] Power Posing: Reassessing The Evidence Behind The Most Popular TED Talk
- [41] Falsely Reassuring: Analyses of ALL p-values
- [45] Ambitious P-Hacking and P-Curve 4.0
- [49] P-Curve Won’t Do Your Laundry, But Will Identify Replicable Findings
- [59] PET-PEESE Is Not Like Homeopathy
- [60] Forthcoming in JPSP: A Non-Diagnostic Audit of Psychological Research
- [61] Why p-curve excludes ps>.05
- [66] Outliers: Evaluating A New P-Curve Of Power Poses
- [67] P-curve Handles Heterogeneity Just Fine
- [91] p-hacking fast and slow: Evaluating a forthcoming AER paper deeming some econ literatures less trustworthy
- [29] Help! Someone Thinks I p-hacked
- [48] P-hacked Hypotheses Are Deceivingly Robust
- [68] Pilot-Dropping Backfires (So Daryl Bem Probably Did Not Do It)
- [73] Don't Trust Internal Meta-Analysis
- [91] p-hacking fast and slow: Evaluating a forthcoming AER paper deeming some econ literatures less trustworthy
- [122] Arresting Flexibility: A QJE field experiment on police behavior with about 40 outcome variables
- [12] Preregistration: Not just for the Empiro-zealots
- [44] AsPredicted: Pre-registration Made Easy
- [55] The file-drawer problem is unfixable, and that’s OK
- [64] How To Properly Preregister A Study
- [101] Transparency Makes Research Evaluable: Evaluating a Field Experiment on Crime Published in <i>Nature</i>
- [115] Preregistration Prevalence
- [119] A Hidden Confound in a <i>Psych Methods</i> Pre‑registrations Critique
- [122] Arresting Flexibility: A QJE field experiment on police behavior with about 40 outcome variables
- [4] The Folly of Powering Replications Based on Observed Effect Size
- [7] Forthcoming in the American Economic Review: A Misdiagnosed Failure-to-Replicate
- [11] “Exactly”: The Most Famous Framing Effect Is Robust To Precise Wording
- [23] Ceiling Effects and Replications
- [37] Power Posing: Reassessing The Evidence Behind The Most Popular TED Talk
- [38] A Better Explanation Of The Endowment Effect
- [43] Rain & Happiness: Why Didn’t Schwarz & Clore (1983) ‘Replicate’ ?
- [47] Evaluating Replications: 40% Full ≠ 60% Empty
- [51] Greg vs. Jamal: Why Didn’t Bertrand and Mullainathan (2004) Replicate?
- [54] The 90x75x50 heuristic: Noisy & Wasteful Sample Sizes In The “Social Science Replication Project”
- [76] Heterogeneity Is Replicable: Evidence From Maluma, MTurk, and Many Labs
- [82] Data Replicada #1: Do Elevated Viewpoints Increase Risk Taking?
- [83] Data Replicada #2: Do Self-Construal and Group Size Influence How People Make Choices on Behalf of a Group?
- [84] Data Replicada #3: Does Self-Concept Uncertainty Influence Magazine Subscription Choice?
- [85] Data Replicada #4: The Problem of Hidden Confounds
- [87] Data Replicada #5: Do Human-Like Products Inspire More Holistic Judgments?
- [89] Data Replicada #6: The Problem of (Weird) Differential Attrition
- [90] Data Replicada #7: Does Displaying Multiple Copies of a Product Increase Its Perceived Effectiveness?
- [92] Data Replicada #8: Is The Left-Digit Bias Stronger When Prices Are Presented Side-By-Side?
- [94] Data Replicada #9: Are Progression Ads More Credible?
- [97] Data Replicada #10: Does Goal Conflict Affect Time Spent on Work and Leisure?
- [100] Groundhog 2.0: Further addressing the threat R poses to reproducible research
- [108] MRAN is Dead, long live GRAN
Statistical Power
- [6] Samples Can't Be Too Large
- [18] MTurk vs. The Lab: Either Way We Need Big Samples
- [26] What If Games Were Shorter?
- [54] The 90x75x50 heuristic: Noisy & Wasteful Sample Sizes In The “Social Science Replication Project”
- [2] Using Personal Listening Habits to Identify Personal Music Preferences
- [26] What If Games Were Shorter?
- [56] TWARKing: Test-Weighting After Results are Known
Unexpectedly Difficult Statistical Concepts
- [17] No-way Interactions
- [20] We cannot afford to study effect size in the lab
- [27] Thirty-somethings are Shrinking and Other U-Shaped Challenges
- [33] "The" Effect Size Does Not Exist
- [39] Power Naps: When do Within-Subject Comparisons Help vs Hurt (yes, hurt) Power?
- [41] Falsely Reassuring: Analyses of ALL p-values
- [42] Accepting the Null: Where to Draw the Line?
- [46] Controlling the Weather
- [50] Teenagers in Bikinis: Interpreting Police-Shooting Data
- [57] Interactions in Logit Regressions: Why Positive May Mean Negative
- [70] How Many Studies Have Not Been Run? Why We Still Think the Average Effect Does Not Exist
- [71] The (Surprising?) Shape of the File Drawer
- [79] Experimentation Aversion: Reconciling the Evidence
- [80] Interaction Effects Need Interaction Controls
- [88] The Hot-Hand Artifact for Dummies & Behavioral Scientists
- [91] p-hacking fast and slow: Evaluating a forthcoming AER paper deeming some econ literatures less trustworthy
- [99] Hyping Fisher: The Most Cited 2019 QJE Paper Relied on an Outdated Stata Default to Conclude Regression <i>p</i>-values Are Inadequate
- [103] Mediation Analysis is Counterintuitively Invalid
- [120] Off-Label Smirnov: How Many Subjects Show an Effect in Between-Subjects Experiments?
- [121] Dear Political Scientists: Don't Bin, GAM Instead
- [123] Dear Political Scientists: The binning estimator violates ceteris paribus